Gulyangarri Public School

Opening the door to possibility.

Telephone02 8777 6500

About our preschool

General Information


Contact the school office or preschool team for information about our preschool’s enrolment patterns across the week.


Enrolments at our preschool are now open.


Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn 4 years old on or before 31 July that year.


Priority is given to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children, children living in low socio-economic circumstances and children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship.

We accept children from any area, but families within the school’s catchment area are given priority.

Visit our enrolment guidelines for more information on priority groups and immunisations.

Application to enrol

First complete the expression of interest to enrol in a NSW public preschool (PDF 316.2 KB) and submit to the school office.

Families offered a preschool place for their child will be asked to complete the application to enrol in a NSW public preschool (PDF 713KB).

Translated versions of the preschool enrolment application are also available.

Transition to Kindergarten

Enrolment in a preschool class does not guarantee a spot in Kindergarten at our school.

Families can use School Finder to find their local public school. With a wide range of programs and resources, public schools support children as they transition to school and beyond, fostering a nurturing environment where students grow as lifelong learners.

Preschool hours

The preschool operates the same days and hours as our primary school:

  • Monday to Friday 8:30am to 2:30pm.
  • The preschool is closed for school holidays and public holidays.


Public preschools in NSW are free to attend. Fees are not charged for preschool enrolment, attendance, waiting list applications or specialist programs.

More information

View the Getting ready for preschool guide.

Contact us

Address: Corner Burnside Drive and Lachlan Street, Liverpool

Phone: 02 8777 6500
